Reclaimed Mobile Game



The overview of this game is you are controlling an AI robot at is being used to take back your planet. Due to resource being limited you need to find upgrades along your journey. Your job is to explore the level and find the enemies which appear in waves and kill them giving you XP and bonus items. Your weapon auto locks on to the enemies and shoot on a timer, the player objective is to dodge incoming attacks from the enemies.

This project allowed for a deeper exploration of many topics that have been researched and made before as well as expanding on new mechanics such as API integration which was a tough process to initially explore.

This final artifact also gave a deep insight into the development of a platform-specific platform which included making design decisions on the controls and making changes to help with performance.

Overall this project has forced a lot of challenges but most of them were overcome with research and online forums to help sort many issues. When developing future applications the knowledge gained from this project will be valuable with the planning systems will be planned and tested before final builds.

YouTube Video
